Ronaldo,Ronaldo and even more Ronaldo.

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Facebook Stalker

ooo "fuck" this is too funny in that way!!!
(lol its not rude its just toooooo lol)
thanks neelam...who sent me this video cus it reminds her of me...stalking Cristiano Ronaldo. (okay it funny and the video is quiet true about me and my feelings towards ronaldo but i don't go AS far as talking to the computer screen lol......or feeding the do kiss it though...KISS not SNOG lulooos)

so here it and learn something about laught your guts out!!!!!!!

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On the Launch of Moments

lol....what a joker...trying to hide that black eye...
when i went lisbon...i saw the portuguese version of expensive..though they had lower the price from 25 euros to 20 euros still is a large price tag(but what the hell it is our Cristiano after all)....i wonder what the price is for the english one!!! hope its not too high ,.....cus i want it!!!!!!
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Out n about!!!

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Poor Ronnie got a black eye bless him (still smiling though!!!)

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The day i got a message from Ronnie

okay i have no idea where to start from but....yeah...i half way to only joking......i sent a message to cristiano and he actually thought ...."why would he reply" but he did speachless like they say///...and i am too

so with out saying much good bye
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5 minutes later

lol....this is quiet daft///....cus i thought i would just write a little post to say hi n then do something else...but i started reading the past posts from like march n april n i thought im being a bit vague with whats happening in life right here goes and im only doing this cus i have done my homework and i don't need to do any thing else that is very important.

recnetly we've gotten hold of a we've been playing 3 a side football...sound bit dumb i know but we don't have anyone else that can play with us/////....we let some younger boys play once with us but they turned arrogant once they had ball possesion and they had no idea of what the hells tactics we don't play with random people no more.

some really funny stuff has happened recnetly but i don't remember it right now.. but we've been joking around lately....

another thing that i//// many of us have been thinking of lately is college. its out last year at RMS and i have to say......i don't want to say it but i will be missing it....made friends and some of my prized moments i spent on that green bech with the flowers round it...we usually have lunch at the the fights we have the older kids before and at the moment the younger ones with the arrogant minds///....and even more lol lool is nehali swaering lol......bad ways ..but it made my stomach hurt of laughter.....and very very recently neelam and sarita lying!!! they know what i mean...those crafty little things..

getting kindo of late....and to say the truth i was hoping to finish my final peices off for my art project///.. art lol....what a wierd and wacky subject..when i picked it for my GSCE i never imagined what i was going in been bad moment and good moment and dumb moment and cool moments....right now its the boring has always thrown little suprises at me from the begining//.....first!!! didn't look like fernando torres but cristiano ronaldo and now the nuno gomes look a like whos name comes before mine in the register so any time my art teacher is pissed off and put us in register order ...the nuno gomes look-a- like will end up sitting next to me//// exciting. oh yes and i forgot to say this.....the very famous lines...well not famous yet i hope it will be soon

"choosing art for your GCSE is like cursing yourself with homework for 2 consecutive years..each day...each week...each term...each bloody year"

BUT to say the absolute truth i love art despite all the odds i've talked about//..

lol now i have to go ..cus like i said i have art HWK....remember i've been cursed with it...

(at the beginning of year 10 i thought i would turn into van gogh at the end of the art GCSE because of all the HWK and that and .....chop my ear van gogh and sendi it....blood and earing and all fresh in an envalope to cristiano ronaldo..but im coping and... that plan seems to be a distant memory now....good cus ronnie would have had a shock if of his die hard lover/supporters did that!!!
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Just dropped by to say HI

hey well i thought i'd id say a hello n that as i m kind of free at the moment.......last few days i've been spending alot of time on hi5 lol......kindo of addicted to it now. if you want to visit my profile its ......and perhaps drop me a comment.

but im alos trying to contact my hero cristiano wish me luck that i do get in contact with him.......and if i do then i know it the start of someting new!!!!

and that pic is of cristiano been wining trophys then???

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