A typical portuguese menu!!!

The Portuguese are proud of their gastronomy. They appreciate eating and drinking well. Almost all parties include a meal, especially family gatherings.

Staple foods in the Portuguese diet include fish, chicken, vegetables and fruits. Pork, goat, partridge, quail and rabbit are typical meats in Portugal. Famous specialties are sardinhas assadas (charcoal-grilled sardines), pastéis de bacalhau (cod fishcakes) and caldo verde (a soup of cabbage and potatoes). Codfish is prepared in many ways, and it is usually served as the most typical Portuguese dish. Sweets are very popular, and wine is often consumed with meals. Since red meat and fish are a part of the everyday diet, vegetarianism is extremely rare, making vegetarians difficult to place.

At restaurants, waiters will bring out bread, butter, maybe some cheeses and other little things. What you eat you pay, if you don't touch it, you shouldn't pay for it. The daily specials are usually the best bet, especially with the fish, which should be fresh from that same day. Tips are not outrageously high here, just a couple of € is enough.

Some examples of Portuguese gastronomy that you can expect a bit through Lisbon are below.

The traditional starter in Portugal is soup. You can find it in many different recipes.

Caldo Verde
Meaning "Green Soup", it's made of potatoes, fried onions and thinly sliced galician cabbage, served with slices of chouriço (cured spiced sausage).


Chicken and rice soup.

Sopa da Pedra
The name, based in a legend, means "Stone Soup", in pratice you shouldn't worry as it doesn't contain any stone. This soup is a very rich soup made of almost any vegetable or meat the chef can find.

Sopa Portuguesa
Meaning "Portuguese soup", contains kale, beans, broccoli, carrots and turnips.

Main Dishes

Bacalhau: salted and dried under the sun, it is said that there are 365 ways to prepare cod in Portugal.

Pastéis de Bacalhau

Cod and potato croquettes.

Bacalhau Cozido
Cod stew.

Bacalhau Assado
Roast cod.

Bacalhau Assado na Brasa
Chargrilled cod.

Bacalhau à Brás
Typical of Lisbon: cod, onions and thin slices of potato, scrambled eggs, black olives and parsley. (this ones ronaldo's favourite)

Other very common dishes in Portugal are:
Caracóis ( these are little snails!!!)
Meaning snails, this is speciality of the Lisbon region.

Cozido à Portuguesa
A traditional stew from Lisbon’s old districts, which is now found all over the country.

Carne de Porco à Alentejana
A typical dish from Alentejo, which is now very common at Lisbon restaurants. This consists of pork fillets cooked with garlic, spices, lard and clams. This dish is also sometimes made with ham.

Sardinhas Assadas
Chargrilled sardines. (one of my favourites)

Febras Assadas
Chargrilled pork.

Pan-fried marinated thin beef steak served with french fries and egg.

Pan-fried marinated lean beef steak served with golden fried french fries, lean ham and egg.

Arroz de Marisco
Seafood with rice.

Stew with different kinds of meat, potatoes and legumes.

Bread and shellfish stew.

Fish stew.

Frango no Churrasco
Charcoal roasted chicken. (in this country there are news agents and corner shops but in portugal there arn't anycorner shops but shops that sell this food are all over the place)

Arroz Doce
Meaning sweet rice, is basically a rice pudding, generally covered with cinnamon.

Leite Creme
A sweet made from milk, eggs and covered in roasted sugar. Its name means cream milk.

Baba de Camelo
Literaly translating, it means camel's drool, but nevel mind what it sounds like, it tastes good. It's made of condensed milk.

Pastéis de Nata
A kind of round custard tart in a flaky pastry case sprinkled with cinnamon and icing sugar. Best served warm, if possible buy in Belém at the factory of "Pastéis de Belém". One will never be enough. ( i swear you cannot gey enough of these)

Bolo de Bolacha
A cake made with butter biscuits and condensed milk.

Mousse de Chocolate
Chocolate Mousse.

Pudim Flan


Pudim Molotof
Egg pudding that melts in your mouth, the only thing explosive about it are the calories.

Coffee: Coffee is a veritable institution in Portugal. People tend to drink coffee in cafés rather than at home. It is served in small shots and very strong.
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