okay so its been liek ages since my l ast post which was in the summer holidays....and omg what hasn't happened during this void....

BUT one thing hasn't changed....girls and boys...


so this is what happened since my last post form the pics from the novel...oh by the way the novel is on HIATUS....or somthing like that...but its not rest ...its catch up time if you havn't read it. ok??

so the summer was not really a summer...it was a typical british summer if you get what i mean...

alright so the summer came to a grand finaleee ending when the dreaded results day was round the corner....our results would determine our future colleges and courses and even universities..!!!! this was one big day...

my GCSE results day story...(theres only one like this so read it well)

...........(breathes in deep)......okay so it all began apporoxomately 12 hours before the big day....the day before results day at about 3pm...i was in my room....painting my nails...and (i know there will be some laughter and comfusion of my exact age here) listening to an audio book with the title : THE REVENGE FILES OF ALISTER FURY. DEAD DAD DOG.

this is when the phone rang....my dads picks it up..."yes" ..."Yes" .................."anisha you got somone on the phone for you"

i run down the stairs.....grab the phone ......and the next few seconds of changed my life... it was actually the head teacher of my school....saying that i had got "good" results and that i would have to come an hour earlier than the proposed reuslts day time .....the media was goign to be there too........

people can only dream of being in the top 10 of their year in such exams.....nearly 10 subjects comsisting of a full 16-17 exams all lasting at least 45 minutes....i couldn't beleive it. my heart was racing at a very very very fast pace and my mouth was dry ....i wasn't even able ot breath and only god knows how i kept on my feet during that phone call.

i worried...i pondered,,,,i thought and fought over thoughts in my brain.....what would the reuslts be..........?????????????????????????????

but i slept better than many....at least they would be decent grades...what ever they were....

these were the grades i was gifted by the help of my parents, friends, most importantly by the faith i had in god and my beloved cristiano...

5 A*'s
3 A's
2 B's

these were some of the scores i got which made up my results that kind of made me proud and beleive in my ability

French speaking A* ( i remember pissing my self in this exam sitting in front of my class teacher with the tape recorder spining away carrying away the in my mind wrongly pronounced conditional tense of my voice)

i think they were good...beign in top ten..beating so many inteligent people of the year to it...even more phenominal and great,,,,,

the reprocutions: getting into QE.....getting to do the courses i want....being invited to the prestigious Awards evening at school and getting the Art Award of the year....and everything turning out well...

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