Facing Cristiano Critisism

there have been many times alike when conversing with individuals where the person who i am conversing with doesn't like cristiano...."hes a bastard" the worst i have been told so far by my own requests obviously to speek their minds

this is what in my opnion is true cristiano love....
"they say when one is in love they are blind....for me it is different>>>i have gone through my teenage years with him...through thick thin and everything in the middle, he has even sat confortably in in heart when i took my GCSE's and feed of my love for him....i am not disillusioned by his talent or his beauty,,,his charm nor his magical aura...i have been and will be in love with cristiano ronaldo for what u believe ot be the rest if my life"
"love can touch us one time and last for a life time...near far where ever you are you are safe in my heart and my heart will go on and on..."
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Spring Note

hello to everyone again
spring is on the doorstep but guess what...exams are on the horizon...the summer ones so im trying to concentrate on that.

so this is probably going to be the last post until after the exams when i really do want ot analyse and talk about first year of college properly.

exams are hard especially physics and maths when done with a art subject and i always feel i havn't been able to do everything in art becasue of my other subjects.
on the other hand i feel like i neglect maths and physics so much that yes...i don't do as well as i think i should have.
anyways at the moment i feel like i am in good stead for the begginng of the summer term and os id like ot keep that thought.

recently though i have aquired a rather more stronger feeling of living and working in portugal and so the homesickness gets worse for the worse!!!

in terms of the novel...well...i have reached a rather more pivotal point nd really require first hand experience of a particular place.....india in this case and wouldn't see myself writing more until this experience is felt. so its on hold...still...but i feel so strong about this novel that im going through what i have written and im making chnages..and stuff like that

in terms of reading matter which all good authors should do obviously....ive read salman rushdies midnights children and now on to no.1 ladies detective agency by alexander mcall smith and then six suspects by vikram swarup and later after the exams embark upon the longest english novel of a suitable boy ....oops i forgot the author!! of that book.

i think this is it now....so um bye for now

oh..and i didn't realise but...its been two years from this blog...so happy birthday blog!!!
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