A Funny Interview

Q – Do you consider yourself good-looking? Do you see yourself as a sex symbol?
A – No. I’m neither ugly nor handsome, I think I’m normal. As we say in Madeira, I’m giro (cute).
Q – What is the most eccentric request you’ve been asked?
A – I was asked to autograph a breast, or as you say in good Portuguese a mama (bosom) [laughing]. I blushed! I got flummoxed, started laughing and couldn’t stop. I couldn’t do what she asked me for and ended up autographing a piece of paper. The people next to me also understood. The girl was actually serious, and implored me to give the autograph, but I didn’t want to do it. And I didn’t.
Q – Was it in England?
A – Yes, it was. But in Portugal similar things have happened…
Q – How do you manage to deal with your popularity and the constant requests, especially female requests?
A – Calmly and doing things normally. If it happens it’s good, it means I’ve got a good image. So long as it doesn’t go beyond a certain point I enjoy it, but no more than that.
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