World Cup Day.

its been four years since. that last word cup, when i first saw cristiano with the eyes of a die hard supporter, over this time i used to think, why on earth was i so inclined to him. today as i viewed the opening ceremony i was getting excited all over see him.

imagine, im getting so excited to see him on tv, if i ever got an unexpected view of him during my day to day businesses i would actually have a momentary lapse of everything..

i have so much to say though im not able to find the words at this moment to express anything.

theres too much going on at the same time, i cant handle it/ .my heart beats like hell when the portuguese play ..cus i want them to win.and then theres exams on at the same time. so these are like double death moments..

paid a visit to the sony centre this morning to extend the vaio warranty and have a browse through the bravias and ive eyed up a pretty handsome looking sony cybershot with 14.1 mega pixels so i think i shall be acquiring that soon over my 7.2 megapixels. cant wait to view cristiano, (hopfully) in full hd mode now!
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